• How do I remove all the edits by an author in a shared Google Doc at once?

    Using Google docs has its own advantages, you have to the ability to share the changes made by you instantly. Shared documents on cloud allow that and everyone can chip in with their suggestions and make changes into the document at the same time. 

    This feature is highly useful but sometimes you may feel a bit let down when you’re not able to track down who made these changes. Google docs allow you to view the changes made to the documents and the owner of the document can even remove the changes and revert back to the original state.

    To view the edits, you need to go to the File menu and click on the See Revision History from the drop- down menu. You will be able to view the users that made changes to the document with the timestamp. Now, you can click on the versions and see what changes are made by a particular author. You just have to click on the author to see the version made by that author.

    Then you need to click on the ‘Restore This Version’ on the top left of the sheet. This will remove the edit made by that particular author.

    For more help - http://gmail.phonesupportnumbers.com/

    Also watch this video -

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